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Publications by Fellows: Rocío Fernández Ugalde: Media Articulation and the Stabilisation of Teacher Policies in Chile

Our Fellow Rocío Fernández Ugalde traces meaning formation over time, focusing on how hegemonic projects related to teacher policies have been articulated in a new article in the journal Critical Studies in Education.

According to the abstract, the article explores the ideological articulation and stabilisation of educational reforms aimed at shaping teachers’ work in Chile. Focusing on teacher policies as an articulation through which state political projects are advanced, the article contributes to enhancing the cultural and structural dimensions of neoliberalism. More specifically, it builds from the tools of Corpus Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis to trace ideational sediments through which hegemonic projects have been articulated in two major national media conglomerates between 1978 and 2020. The study shows how, in the context of Chilean teacher policy, two ideological sediments intimately connected have shaped structural developments over the last four decades, and it contends that analysing ideological and cultural articulations in media is crucial for comprehending policy settlements. The conclusion emphasises the need to carefully consider these influences when envisioning new directions in teacher policies and underscores the strength of the still ongoing neoliberal agenda.

Read the article here (open access).