Democratizing the Developmental State
Aldo Fernando Ponce Ugolini
Contact: aldo.ponce(at)cide.edu
Associate Professor, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE-Mexico City)
Aldo Ponce Ugolini is an associate professor in the Division of Political Studies at CIDE (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico City). He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Houston in 2012. He was a visiting scholar at National Chengchi University and a visiting associate professor at National Cheng Kung University. Dr Ponce’s research focuses on the determinants of party strength and its consequences for policy performance. His research has also investigated on the causes and consequences of criminal violence. His research has appeared in the European Journal of Political Research, Governance, Government & Opposition, the Japanese Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Human Rights, the Journal of Legislative Studies, Latin American Politics and Society, Latin American Research Review, Party Politics, Political Science, Studies in Comparative International Development, West European Politics, among other outlets.
Research project
Strength of Parties, Party System Fragmentation, and Public R&D Spending
This project aims to enhance our knowledge of the determinants of R&D spending across countries in the globe. In particular, I identify two key political institutions that could affect R&D spending. First, I invetigate whether (and why) proportional representation creates more opportunities for greater spending in R&D. Second, I examine how R&D spending is related to the strength of parties ruling the executive.